"He is the best sailor who can steer within fewest points of the wind, and exact a motive power out of the greatest obstacles."
- Sir Walter Scott.

Seafarers Information


Latest Updates

Find all the latest News / Events and Communiques of the Welfare Fund here


Schemes for Seafarers

Find all schemes available for members of The Seafarers’ Welfare Fund.


Eligibility criteria for a seafarer

In order to be eligible to benefit from the different schemes as an active seafarer the latter should meet the following requirements…

Objects of the Fund

The objects of the Funds are to: –
  • promote the social and economic welfare of seafarers in Mauritius;
  • develop schemes and projects for the welfare of seafarers and their families; and
  • take over and manage the assets and discharge the liabilities of the Seafarers’ Welfare Fund.

About Us

On end December 2008, the Seafarers’ Welfare Fund (SWF) Act 2008 came into operation. It was created in order to cater for the social and economic welfare of seafarers in Mauritius and take over and manage the assets and discharge the liabilities of the Seafarer’s Welfare Fund established under the Merchant Shipping (Seafarer’s Welfare Fund) Regulations 2002.
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