Acts and Rules

Seafarers' Welfare Fund act

Act 19 of 2008 - 1 December 2008

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Eligibility criteria

A person wishing to be registered with the Seafarers’ Welfare Fund, either as Active or Retired, shall meet the following criteria: –

  1. The seafarer must be a Mauritian Citizen and holder of a Mauritian Discharge Book;
  2. The seafarer must be registered with the Shipping Division of the Ministry of Blue Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping;
  3. The seafarer must not have been found guilty by a Court of law of any offence punishable by imprisonment;
  4. The seafarer must have contributed to the SICOM Contributory Fund set up under the aegis of the Seafarers’ Welfare Fund and also National Pension Fund for at least two (2) years prior to the request to benefit from any of the scheme of the Fund;
  5. The seafarer must not have taken up employment ashore in the public service, parastatal institution or with any local authority;
  6. The seafarer must not have taken up employment in the private sector ashore during the last two (2) years;
  7. Any seafarer who is known to have been offered and refused employment on board any vessel on at least two (2) occasions without any justification will not be entitled to benefit from the different schemes.
  8. Any seafarer who misbehaves within the premises of the Seafarers’ Welfare Fund or any related body (Shipping Office, Ministry) such as using abusive language will be subjected to a disciplinary board.

Eligibility criteria

Active Seafarers

Eligibility criteria for a seafarer to be considered as a Registered Active Seafarer at the SWF: –

  1. The Seafarer should have been at sea at least once during the last five (5) years to be considered as active.
  2. The seafarer must have sea service of at least two (2) years which shall be attested by a record of sea service obtained from the office of the Superintendent of Shipping.

Eligibility criteria

Retired Seafarers

Eligibility criteria for a seafarer to be considered as a Registered Retired Seafarer at the SWF: –

  1. The retired seafarer should be above fifty-five (55) years unless retired on medical ground;
  2. The retired seafarer should;
    a. Have served at least two third (2/3) of his active life at sea, and
    b. Reckon an aggregate period of at least 10 years of sea-time including four (4) days monthly leave.
  3. Retired seafarers are entitled to all the benefits of the various schemes without any restrictions.

Code of Ethics for officers


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