Educational Scheme

Children of Seafarers Attending a Vocational or Tertiary Institution

The Welfare Committee has reviewed its educational scheme since 1st July 2023.

The educational scheme is meant for the dependent children of active and retired seafarers who are attending a vocational or tertiary educational institution on a full time or part time basis.

A monthly stipend will be paid to students as follows: –

Tertiary Institutions:

  • Full time Rs 4,000
  • Part time Rs 2,000
  • Vocational: Rs 1,000

Eligibility and criteria

  1. The seafarer should be on the registered list of active and retired seamen.
  2. The children of seafarer should already have obtained admission in an MQA, IVTB approved or recognized educational institution.
  3. The duration of the course, whether part time or full time, should at least be 6 months.
  4. The age limit of the dependent children is 25 years.
  5. The dependent should not be drawing any remuneration.

Application Forms

New Entry Form

Certificate of Attendance form

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