15th Anniversary & X-Mas Celebration 2023

The 15th anniversary of the Seafarers’ Welfare Fund (SWF) was celebrated, on the 14th December 2023, during a special event held at Domaine de Rose Belle, in Rose Belle. This ceremony coincided with the Christmas celebrations and the annual lunch for the registered seafarers of the SWF.
The Honorable Minister of Blue Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping, Mr. Sudheer Maudhoo, the Chairperson of the SWF, Mr D. Salandy; and other personalities were present to celebrate this milestone.
All registered local seafarers were gifted with a backpack, a hand pouch, a polo shirt, and a ceramic mug (with the SWF and 15th anniversary logo) each.
Every registered retired seafarer received a cash gift of Rs 3,000 as an end of year gift, while a gift voucher of Rs 500 was remitted to every seafarers’ child or grandchild who attended the event. Also, seafarers’ spouse present at the event received a gift voucher of Rs 1,500 each. 
Three raffles were also organised, out of which two were reserved for the seafarers (winners received a mobile air cooler and an air fryer) whilst the third raffle was reserved for the seafarers’ spouses, whereby the winner was gifted a kitchen utensil.
 Family members of six seafarers who passed away in 2023 were presented with a shield by the SWF for their contribution in the Maritime Sector, and winners of the various indoor games received gifts. 
The 15th anniversary of the SWF was also the occasion to celebrate its achievements and to reflect on the important role that it plays in supporting the welfare of seafarers. It was also an opportunity to look towards the future and reflect on how the Fund can continue to meet the needs of seafarers in the coming years.
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